Candita Albicans Treatment Protocol – Kevin Smith, D.C.

by Kevin Smith, D.C.

Candida albicans is a fungus. The fungi family is comprised of yeasts and molds. Candida is thought to be the causal agent of some opportunistic infections (i.e.: thrush, toenail fungus, jock itch). In immune-compromised states and after a round of antibiotic use, this organism can thrive and grow in abundance at the expense of our beneficial flora.

The organism of Baker’s and Brewer’s yeast is Saccharomyces cerevisiae which is also part of the fungi family.

Getting rid of candida infections starts off with limiting intake of refined carbohydrates (sugars), and eating an anti-inflammation diet (50% veggies, 25% healthy proteins, 12.5% healthy fats, 12.5% low glycemic fruits). While that’s going on, I’d incorporate a supplement campaign which starts off focusing on anti-microbials.

Metagenics: Candibactin BR
Orthomolecular: Intestinol*
Pure Encapsulations: Micro-Defense
Designs for Health: GI MicrobeX
Apex: GI Synergy / Yeastonil

After clearing out the pathogenic bugs in the gut, it’s time to re-innoculate the gut with healthy flora.

Metagenics: UltraFlora Spectrum
Orthomolecular: Orthobiotic 100*
Pure Encapsulations: Pure Biome Intensive
Designs for Health: Probiotic Supreme
Apex: Strengtia

After the re-innoculation with healthy bacteria, I’d work on rebuilding the integrity of the gut wall.

Metagenics: Ultra-GI Replenish*
Orthomolecular: Glutashield
Pure Encapsulations: L-Glutamine
Designs for Health: GI Revive
Apex: Repairvite

I put an asterisk next to the products I like the best.

It can take 2-6 months to clear out a candida infection. What’s also important is that you’re doing testing to take measurements so you can objectively see where you’re at. Test – Treat – re-Test. Of all the GI tests, I really like the GI-Map test which is offered by Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory ( It gives you great insight about the bugs that grow in your gut, levels of inflammation, absorption, immune function and other makers. Phenomenal test!

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