Severity of symptoms persists for decades in fibromyalgia – A 26-year follow-up study

Clinical Rheumatology — | January 24, 2018

Isomeri R, et al. – The target of this research was to investigate the outcome of patients in whom primary fibromyalgia (pFM) was diagnosed 26 years ago. Maximum patients illustrated the persistence of FM symptoms for decades without marked deterioration of self-reported functional ability. Long symptomless periods were experienced by approximately one-fourth of the patients during their illness. Healing was noted in 3 patients (11%).


  • A total of 56 patients with widespread pain were analyzed and filled in a base questionnaire (BQ) in 1986.
  • Among these subjects, 42 fulfilled the Yunus criteria for pFM.
  • Addresses of 38 patients were identified, and an extensive follow-up questionnaire (FupQ) was mailed to them 26 years later.
  • FupQ was answered by 28 patients (74%), which consisted of 9 identical questions with the BQ and questions concerning changes in their symptoms and quality of life (Qol).


  • As per the outcomes, 3 patients (11%) had healed from fibromyalgia (FM), and 23% reported having one or several symptomless periods lasting at least 1 year.
  • Slight deterioration was reported in all symptoms except pain and ache in the remaining patients (n = 25).
  • Findings revealed that the level of functional ability assessed via Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) remained at the same level (BQ 0.41 vs. Fup 0.44, p=0.82) regardless of the aging and FM.
  • No promninent variation was discovered (10.8 (SD 2.9) vs. 11.1 (SD 4.1), p=0.75) in the sum score of reported symptoms (n = 21).
  • A most substantial rise was disclosed in the experienced sleeplessness (27 vs. 65%, p=0.0034).
  • Exercising did not exert a notable impact on the changes of the estimated parameters.
  • Nonetheless, the 3 healed patients performed regular exercise.

Journal Abstract

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