Advice to Follow a Low-Carbohydrate Diet Has a Favourable Impact on Low-Grade Inflammation in Type 2 Diabetes Compared With Advice to Follow a Low-Fat Diet

Authors:  Lena Jonasson, Hans Guldbrand, Anna K. Lundberg & Fredrik H. Nystrom

Ann Med. May 2014

BACKGROUND: Inflammation may play an important role in type-2 diabetes. It has been proposed that dietary strategies can help control inflammation, which can increase the risk of many conditions, such as heart disease.

METHODS: The authors investigated the effects of diet on type-2 diabetes patients, who followed either a traditional low-fat diet (LFD) or a low-carbohydrate diet (LCD).  The authors studied the impact on inflammation by tracking various biomarkers.

CONCLUSION: The effect on weight loss was the same for the patients following the LCD or LFD.  However, only the LCD was found to significantly improve inflammation in type-2 diabetes patients.

What does this mean to you? This study shows that following a low-carbohydrate diet can have other beneficial health benefits beyond weight loss such as reducing inflammation in the body.

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