Low B12 Blood Levels May Increase Fractures in Senior Men

 2/19/2015 2:34:59 PM>

A large, long-range study of older men showed that those with lower blood levels of vitamin B12 had a significantly higher risk of fractures.
The Swedish study, published in the January 2014 issue of Osteoporosis International, involved 790 men ages 70 to 81 years. The researchers measured serum levels of cobalamins (vitamin B12) and holotranscobalamin (the metabolic active cobalamin) in the participants at the beginning of the study and then conducted follow-ups that averaged 5.9 years.
During that time, 110 of the men had X-ray-verified fractures, including 45 men with clinical vertebral fractures. After adjusting for risk factors like age, smoking, body mass index, bone mineral density, falls, previous factures, physical activity, vitamin D and calcium intake, the researchers found that the bottom quarter of men with the lowest vitamin B12 levels at the beginning of the study had a 70 percent more risk of fracture compared to the other study participants. In the lumbar region, in particular, the risk factor increase was 120 percent.
The researchers noted that vitamin B12 may affect bone metabolism in elderly people, but called for more studies. At the time of publication, the researchers make note of a large Dutch study underway which is analyzing how folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin D intake in people over age 65 affect their rate of fracture occurrence.

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