Reduce Kidney Stones by 92.3%

by Dr. Godo

“Two Harvard researchers found that magnesium oxide and vitamin B6 could reduce the risk of recurrent calcium oxalate stones by 92.3%!”

Kidney stones affect approximately 1 in 10 people throughout their lifetime. The pain can become intense. The stone may pass, but it is well documented that a body chemistry which produces one kidney stone is at high risk for producing more. This is where wellness can come to the rescue and reduce the risk by 92.3%. Yes, 92.3%!Wellness_Minute_Kidney_Stone-13

According to the internationally renowned physician Jonathon Wright, kidney stones, once diagnosed, CAN BE preventable. But before we learn how, let’s clear up some common misunderstandings.

People who get kidney stones are often told to AVOID calcium and excessive vitamin C and all kinds of side tangents, blindly trying to prevent the painful exodus of kidney stones. But there are better options. Consider how minerals have a balancing effect upon one another.

Displace means: to cause something to move from its usual place. One mineral can displace or adversely counter balance another. For example, copper will displace zinc, selenium will displace mercury. Calcium, the mineral we are most concerned with when it comes to kidney stones, is displaced by magnesium. But there are other factors that can actually mobilize calcium.

Did you know that you can take a hard calcium tablet, place it in a glass of vinegar and it will dissolve? If you change the pH of the liquid to something less acidic it will begin to precipitate out of the solution. One minute the solution is clear, change the pH and it becomes cloudy as powdered calcium appears.

According to Dr. David Watts, who holds degrees in biochemistry and chiropractic and is author of the book “Trace Elements and other Essential Nutrients,” there are certain factors that can mobilize calcium from a hard substance back into a liquid solution. Those factors happen to be vitamin B6, vitamin B3, Vitamin A, vitamin E and the minerals magnesium, phosphorous, sodium, zinc, molybdenum, and potassium. This means that if there is a deficiency of any of these minerals, calcium will tend to buildup or accumulate. You see, just because our body gets enough calcium, that doesn’t mean it will end up in our bones. It’s no secret how deficient the American diet is in trace minerals.

Now let’s look at a few studies. In 1974, two Harvard researchers found that magnesium oxide (300 mg daily) and vitamin B6 (10 mg daily) could reduce the risk of recurrent calcium oxalate stones by 92.3%. The research was published in the Journal of Urology.

Harvard? Journal of Urology? What more could the medical community ask for when it comes to credible research? A strategy that offers a 92.3% effectiveness rate, it costs pennies a day and can save hours of pain and suffering, yet most doctors don’t even know about it?

Interestingly, back in 1974 most physicians thought all magnesium was the same. Now we know that certain forms of magnesium have more “bio-availability.” Bio-availability means: “the degree and rate at which a nutrient is absorbed into a living system or is made available at the site of physiological activity.”

So there are forms of magnesium that can be better absorbed and used by the body. Ask Dr. Godo about which form to use.

Wellness_Minute_Kidney_Stone-13aAnother landmark prevention study was conducted in 1991 and published in The British Journal of Urology. A five year prevention study was conducted using 10 grams of rice bran after meals twice per day. (Ten grams is less than a tablespoon.) The incidence of new calcium oxalate kidney stones was reduced by 83.4%. These are stunning results. 83.4%, from a few tablespoons of fiber yet we seldom hear of urologist alerting their patients to this method of prevention.

Talk to Dr. Godo and discuss which options can work best for you. Remember, there are several different types of kidney stones and each of the types respond to certain nutrients better than others.

Ask Dr. Godo for a multiple vitamin/mineral supplement that has bio-availability, so that you are absorbing all the vitamins and minerals you need. Nutraceutical grade vitamins are NOT typically sold over the counter and cost a little more, but you get what you pay for. We want to build a strong foundation, then Dr. Godo can add other specific nutrients targeted to your personal physiology.

For anyone who is at risk for kidney stone, you can be sure your body is crying out for specific vitamins and minerals. If we want to avoid kidney stones, let’s listen to our body.

Dr. Jason Godo, DC  Code: DFILC501

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