Knee osteoarthritis pain in the elderly can be reduced by massage therapy, yoga and tai chi: A review

Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice , 01/28/2016

  • The massage therapy protocols have been effective in not only reducing pain but also in increasing range of motion, specifically when moderate pressure massage was used and when both the quadriceps and hamstrings were massaged.
  • The yoga studies typically measured pain by the WOMAC.
  • Most of those studies showed a clinically significant reduction in pain, especially the research that focused on poses (e.g. the Iyengar studies) as opposed to those that had integrated protocols (poses, breathing and meditation exercises).
  • The tai chi studies also assessed pain by self–report on the WOMAC and showed significant reductions in pain.
  • The tai chi studies were difficult to compare because of their highly variable protocols in terms of the frequency and duration of treatment.

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