Evalution of the effectiveness of multimodal approach to the management of cervical vertigo.

Wiad Lek. 2017;70(3 pt 2):571-573.
Jaroshevskyi OA1, Payenok OS2, Logvinenko AV3.

Vertigo is one of the most common complaints among patients consulting neurologists and general practitioners – family medicine. A special form of dizziness is cervical vertigo. However, the presence of chronic vertigo and imbalance in this group of patients makes it possible to include the treatment of vestibular rehabilitation in the program.

Evalution of the effectiveness of multimodal approach to the management of cervical vertigo.

109 patients aged from 18 to 45 with vertigo together with myofascial pain syndrome of neck and shoulder area were examined. The survey included a sample of Dix-Hallpike, neurological and otoneurological examinations, Doppler ultrasound of the main arteries of the head and neck, brain MRI, functional spondylography of the cervical spine. For quantitive evaluation of the impact of vertigo on daily life the questionnaire DHI (Dizziness Handicap Inventory) was used. Testing was performed in two stages – before treatment and in 2 weeks’ time. Patients were randomly divided into 3 groups which differ in their therapeutic tactics.

In all three groups the normalization of the biomechanical pattern and elimination of musculo-tonic disorders accompanied by a decrease of a pain syndrome and a decrease in the severity or complete regression of dizziness and postural instability. At the same time, in groups 2 and 3, in which in addition to manual therapy, patients received acupuncture, there was a distinct positive dynamics of a pain syndrome according to VAS, Neck Disability Index and the Dizziness Handicap Inventory. A marked regression of vertigo and postural instability can be observed in patients in which the treatment along with manual therapy and acupuncture, a complex of vestibular rehabilitation was used.

The multimodal approach using manual therapy in combination with acupuncture and vestibular rehabilitation showed the maximum therapeutic effect on elimination of musculo-tonic disorders, reduction of a pain syndrome with a complete regression of vertigo and postural instability.

management of cervical vertigo; vestibular rehabilitation; acupuncture ; manual therapy

PMID: 28713084

PubMed Reference

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