Effect of hip abductor strengthening exercises in knee osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled trial

Yuenyongviwat V, Duangmanee S, Iamthanaporn K
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders | May 11, 2020

Among patients suffering from medial compartment knees osteoarthritis knee, researchers assessed the impact of hip abductor exercises. The patients were randomly assigned to two groups: hip abductor strengthening exercises, combined with quadriceps strengthening exercises, were performed by those in the first group, and the second group was asked to perform standalone quadriceps strengthening exercises. On follow-up visits, self-reported Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Scores were obtained. Overall, 86 patients completed the trial. According to the findings, they concluded that adding quadriceps exercises could expedite improvement of less pain, symptoms, activity in daily living and quality of life faster than quadriceps exercises solely for a 2–4 weeks period. However, the effect size was small and there were no differences after this; hence, consideration of adding hip abductor exercises in the treatment protocol should be based on the patients and doctors appraisal.

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