Spinal Manipulation and Electrical Dry Needling in Patients With Subacromial Pain Syndrome: A Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial

Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy
Published Online:January 31, 2021Volume51Issue2Pages72-81

To compare the effects of spinal thrust manipulation and electrical dry needling (TMEDN group) to those of nonthrust peripheral joint/soft tissue mobilization, exercise, and interferential current (NTMEX group) on pain and disability in patients with subacromial pain syndrome (SAPS).

Randomized, single-blinded, multicenter parallel-group trial.

Patients with SAPS were randomized into the TMEDN group (n = 73) or the NTMEX group (n = 72). Primary outcomes included the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index and the numeric pain-rating scale. Secondary outcomes included the global rating of change scale (GROC) and medication intake. The treatment period was 6 weeks, with follow-ups at 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 3 months.

At 3 months, the TMEDN group experienced greater reductions in shoulder pain and disability (P<.001) compared to the NTMEX group. Effect sizes were large in favor of the TMEDN group. At 3 months, a greater proportion of patients within the TMEDN group achieved a successful outcome (GROC score of 5 or greater) and stopped taking medication (P<.001).

Cervicothoracic and upper-rib thrust manipulation combined with electrical dry needling resulted in greater reductions in pain, disability, and medication intake than nonthrust peripheral joint/soft tissue mobilization, exercise, and interferential current in patients with SAPS. The effects were maintained at 3 months. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2021;51(2):72–81. Epub 28 Aug 2020. doi:10.2519/jospt.2021.9785

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