
SSKI: The Best Cough Expectorant You’ve Never Tried

by Sarah Pope Supersaturated potassium iodide, or SSKI, is a safe, effective cough expectorant routinely prescribed by doctors in the last century to open up the airways in the lungs to help clear deep coughs. It was also used for minor cases of asthma. Conventional medicine has all but forgotten about it because it is […]

Do Cough Remedies Work?

Jenny A. Van Amburgh, PharmD, CDE May 03, 2013 Question What is the efficacy of pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic cough medications? Response from Jenny A. Van Amburgh, PharmD, CDE, Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs; Associate Clinical Professor, School of Pharmacy, Northeastern University; Director, Clinical Pharmacy Team Director, Residency Program, Harbor Health Services, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts Most coughs are transient. […]