Amy Myers

Why L-Glutamine is the #1 Ingredient for Repairing Leaky Gut

Leaky gut is a modern epidemic that affects millions of people around the world—even though many of them aren’t aware of the underlying condition that causes symptoms ranging from digestive issues and mood imbalances to autoimmunity, cancer, and other chronic illnesses. Most conventional doctors fail to recognize the critical importance of gut health, or how a leaky […]

A Functional Medicine Approach to Fibromyalgia

It is estimated that fibromyalgia affects nearly 6 million or 1 in 50 people, causing chronic pain, particularly muscle pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, brain fog, or cognitive impairment, depression and painful tender points throughout the body. Not surprisingly, conventional medicine focuses only on managing symptoms through pain medications and antidepressants. Functional medicine, on the other hand, […]

Thyroid Health Part II: The Gluten, Gut, and Thyroid Connection

July 24th, 2015 Thyroid Health Part II: The Gluten, Gut, and Thyroid Connection This is the second article in a multi-part series on the thyroid. Follow along as we explore how the thyroid works and how you can use The Myers Way® Four Pillars of Health to prevent, control, or reverse thyroid disease. Last week […]

7 Common Causes of Constipation and 7 Solutions to Eliminate It

by Amy Myers, M.D. Have you gone “number two” today? Yesterday? The day before that? In conventional medicine, the baseline requirement for regularity is three bowel movements a week, but a better indication of a truly healthy gut is going one to three times a day. Regular bowel movements are a key indication of a […]