
Boron Boosts Bone Density and Much More

Boron is an important, and often underutilized, trace mineral naturally present in certain foods and also within the environment. Boron uses include the ability to help keep the skeletal structure strong by adding to bone density, preventing osteoporosis, treating conditions like arthritis, and improving strength andmuscle mass. What Are the Most Important Boron Uses in the Body? Boron is […]

The Borax Conspiracy How the Arthritis Cure has been Stopped

by Walter Last You may not be able to imagine that borax, this humble insecticide and laundry detergent, has the potential of singlehandedly bringing down our entire economic system. But you do not need to worry, the danger has been recognised and the necessary steps are already being taken to defuse the situation. I will […]

The Inexpensive Arthritis & Osteoporosis Cure

March 13, 2015 Absolutely nothing is more disheartening and frustrating than to be doing everything you believe to be right, and spending hours a day teaching others about real food and nutrition, while suffering in silence with unexplained joint pain and trying to hide an ever incapacitating limp! And then at a Weston A. Price conference on […]